You don’t have to be a rocket scientist

Echos of everything; the toys, the weapons, the impossibility of information ownership, the unstoppable power of crowd-sourced innovation…

… when I first showed my biz-partner these anti-baby-escape devices that I bought a couple off to make it harder to lose my laptop, he said “good way to detonate bombs”. Likewise, when I told my brother about the gyro-things here, he said that apparently the US military is quite keen to keep this technology under wraps because it would be quite useful for making homemade cruise missiles… and it’s not as though that hasn’t been tried before.

I don’t think of these things because I believe in unicorns and jesus and my head is filled with candyfloss and rainbows and butterflies and whatnot.

So anyway, this has turned up recently:


Toys as weapons. Weaponised toys. Either everyone wins, or no one wins. C’mon people, we’re running out of time.