Flies. They don’t really know what they’re doing, do they.

Bruce Sterling was going on in that last post about Generative Art – how did he put it? Art bleached of human intent?

I’m not so sure – I think that in this case the art shifts from the execution to the interpretation – you can’t take the human out of the art. Like The Beatles on Acid… Sgt Peppers – what came back wasn’t A Trip To Cirrus Minor, but something even more Scouser than anything they’d done before, which was already fairly Scouser. The deeper you go, the closer you get.

Still, whatever, here’s a video of some flies milling about


I’m the kindof guy that rescues worms off the pavement, but flies are a pest. They can fuck off back where they came from, which is Australia. That’s where my Sister lives at the moment. She works for Pet-Rescue. This is the bird that sits on her balcony scrounging honey

It’s a bit rowdy actually. If you click it, you’ll see the life-sized version, assuming you have a life-sized screen.

Anyway, for some reason that made me think of that thing that turned up recently where you can make art out of your mouse-movements

mousemove(click for big version)

Which is great – that’s proper art that is, and weirdly, it does look a bit Russian, which is good, because it IS Russian – or… the software that makes it is. The art itself doesn’t really come from anywhere. Mice make it. You can do your own if you download a bit of software onto your (Windows) PC, which I don’t really use that much, so that’s me out*.

Because I use Linux. This is my desktop. If you click it you’ll get the life-sized version. You can pretend you’re me.

(omg, that’s so clever – he managed to get the screen-grab icon into the actual screen-grab! How do you do that? It’s like creating some sort of temporal loop – like having a photograph in a photograph of a photograph)

It’s a photo I took off the side of The Bridge To Nowhere – which is up the river from where I live.

Is that Generative Art?

Yup. All I’ve done is put a frame round it. It’s generative art, and it’s amazing. All of nature is generative art. All of it. Everything under the sun, and beyond. All of the trillion galaxies filled with billions of stars, exploding outwards – all rendered arty farty in the shutter of the beholder’s eye. The floating motes of dust in your living room, the yawning abyss specked with infinity-swallowing black-holes. Rainbows and Unicorns. Fwuffy Wuffy Fowest Cweatures.

You yourself are generative art, milling about willy-nilly like a fly in a fly experiment, knowing not what you do.

It’s ok. You are forgiven, LOL. You are forgiven.

* actually it does use Linux.

1 Comment » for Flies. They don’t really know what they’re doing, do they.
  1. I pretended I was you and it was like a flash of total illumination. I’ll stay on my desktop.

    I’m used to the word generative in Kevin Kelly’s use of it, meaning, making money from things that can’t be reproduced. Hmmm.