Aussie Shop-Lifting UFO

That is so cool I can hardly stand it – it’s a 10 ft prototype of a monster that (in 3 years they reckon) will be able to lift 150 tons. I wonder how they’ll power it? We’re due to run out of helium in about 15 years – and hydrogen keeps exploding. Hot air I guess – there’s a lot of that in Aus. You could paint it black and it would probably go by itself. It would be tempting to use something clear though – hydrogen say… then you could turn the whole thing into a giant magnifying glass and use it to incinerate small dogs and people in wheel-chairs etc. Not that they deserve that of course.

Bet it never happens. These things never do – still… at least they actually prototyped it, rather than just drawing some CAD pictures and posting it to saying “ooh, this is the future”. It says “Skylifter uses a disc-shaped aerostat rather than a cigar shape or sphere so that the airship is unaffected by wind direction but also easier to steer.” – but we know the real reason – and that is that anything that looks like a UFO is instantly awesome. And I hardly ever use that word.