Draw n Cut Laser System

( from )

That’s pretty neat… although as someone pointed out in the comments somewhere or other, why not just use a mouse?

As far as I can tell it’s a heavily gesture-orientated snap-to-grid system, which is really cool – but if you try to go off the beaten track, you wind up with A LOT of failed attempts.

It’d be a useful adjunct to built-in laser-cutting software though – which is pretty primitive… and one of the few times that a see-through screen like you see in sci-fi movies would actually be useful. You could just trace your rough-design on the lid of the machine… like one of those ill-advised microsoft-touch-sensitive tables. Use your finger to direct a laser-dot on the material below.

We haven’t seen a price-crash with lasers like we have with 3D printing… or we have, but it hasn’t come down as far as fast. Like DSLR camera-gear… there’s a glass-ceiling… or floor – precision glassware costs… I suspect that’s what it is.

Meantime, Indiegogo Rostock

I like rostocks… not sure why… I suspect it’s because I suspect that they might be able to print outside the box. It’s like an opposing-muscle thing that they’re using – and being composed of a couple of billion years worth of evolved opposing-muscle systems, it just seems like it’s got more potential than cartesian. Straight-lines lead to hell.