Junk Cogs

I’m kindof stuck on the notion of trying to make 3d things from 2d things.

Pretty skilly scalpelwork required, but the genome is passed via various vector-formats, and there’s this assumption that you “might” cut it out with a laser cutter, which are still a bit on the pricey side last time I looked… although there are some pretty cool CNC paper cutters as in


The Personal Fabrication Revolution is being led by Hockey Moms” for the princely (or princessly) sum of $399, which less face it possums, ain’t as much as it used to be.

Useful for anything? Not yet, but that’s not the point. The point is that It’s Not Watching Television.

This is an… artefact/symptom/flower… of a freeing up of brain-power, and a networking of this newly freed brain-power. We are 50% of a new symbiote, that (I read somewhere) is currently using about 5% of the planet’s energy. The benefits of this (for we paper-reading herds of haunted meat) aren’t nothing. Or merely spreadsheets and tetris. It’s tying us down, it’s freeing us up. Sucking us in, and in exchange for our every last syllable of recorded time, it’s giving us a Crowd-Sourced Renaissance.

And Junk Cogs.