Art sure is ugly, man

Pepe: Art sure is ugly.
Neil: Shows how much you know about art. The uglier the art, the more it’s worth.
Pepe: This must be worth a fortune, man.
(After hours)


And this isn’t just art, it’s AN ENTIRE ART GALLERY, and I really like it because it pushes the envelope bigtime, and they’re actually making it… will be finished this year apparently. Here’s a vid of them CNCing the spines

Which is a bit boring, but never mind.


It does make me think of a thing I wrote during a previous incarnation about “Goody vs Baddy Design” which has a funny video in it, so it’s worth a look… but the point is, the design above is Baddy Design in every concievable way.

It also reminds me of this other gallery in Graz, Austria – the source for which I’ve long since lost,


If it has a larval stage, I expect the larvae look something like this:
